
Course Three: Apologetics for Everyday Catholics

Dates: This course will begin on Wed 15th Sept and will end on Dec 1st  2021.

Time: 7.30 – 9.00 PM

Fee: 25 euro

Thank you for registering for the course we will send you the Zoom link 7-days before the course starts if you did not received email Zoom link text or call 0894490683

In 1 Pt 3: we read: “Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” Twenty centuries later St John Paul II invited fellow bishops “to engage people of today in a dialogue which embodies four indispensable qualities – clarity, humanity, confidence and prudence. He suggested that these should mark the project of a “new apologetic.” In this course, Gary Michuta, will cover a number of controversial topics showing what Catholics think about them and why.

  1. God, Grace, the Sacraments, and Defending the Faith.
  2. What is truth? Can we trust our senses?
  3. Introduction to showing God’s existence
  4. Does God Exist? (w/ former atheist Pat Flynn)
  5. Does God Exist? (w/ Pat Flynn)
  6. The Problem of Evil (w/Pat Flynn)
  7. Jesus of Nazareth: Is he the Messiah and Son of God
  8. Jesus of Nazareth (Part 2) – Resurrection
  9. Did Jesus Establish a Church?
  10. Answering Common Protestant Objections – Bible Alone, Tradition, Papacy
  11. Answering Common Protestant Objections – Mary, Purgatory, Eucharist
  12. Answering Common Islamic non-Christian Objections, Trinity, Divinity  of Christ etc.

Gary Michuta, who lives in Detroit Michigan, is the host of the weekday talk show Hands on Apologetics on Virgin Most Powerful Radio. He is the author of several books on apologetics  such as, Why Catholic Bibles are Bigger. If you want to hear his testimony see him being interviewed by Marcus Grodi on ETWN’s, The Journey Home, on Youtube.