
Course One:  Prayer, Holiness & the New Evangelisation

Dates: This course will begin on Monday 13th September and will go on until Monday 13th of December 2021
(There will be no class on Oct 25t Bank Holiday) It will resume on Mon 10th of Jan and conclude 14th of Feb 2022.

Time: 7.30 – 9.00 PM

Fee: €50 euro

Thank you for registering for the course we will send you the Zoom link 7-days before the course starts if you did not received email Zoom link text or call 0894490683

In par 91 of The Mission of the Redeemer, St John Paul linked contemplation and evangelisation when he wrote, “The missionary must be a “contemplative in action.” He or she finds answers to problems in the light of God’s word and in personal and community prayer . . . the future of mission   to a great extent on contemplation. Unless the missionary is a contemplative he cannot proclaim Christ in a credible way. He is a witness to the experience of God.” As the author of a Prayer in Practice: A Biblical Approach (Eugene Or: Whipf & Stock, 2020) and Preparing to Pray; 101 Reflections on Scripture  (Dublin: Columba, 2004) Fr. Pat will explore how people can learn to pray in a contemplative way that enables them to be receptive to the different ways in which the Lord can reveal the divine presence, truth and guidance. Topics to be covered are.

    1. Prayer and religion
    2. Prayer and the universal calls to holiness & evangelisation
    3. The prayer of Jesus.
    4. Prayer as friendship with God
    5. Prayer as self-disclosure to God
    6. Prayer as self-forgetful attention to God
    7. Prayer as attending to the God of the word
    8. Prayer as attending to the word of God
    9. Seeking God’s will in prayer
    10. How guidance comes in prayer
    11. Charismatic forms of guidance
    12. Petitionary prayer
    13. Intercessory prayer
    14. The prayer of thanksgiving
    15. The prayer of praise
    16. Stages in prayer
    17. Growth in prayer
    18. Prayer and action
    19. Unceasing prayer
Fr. Pat Collins, C.M. has been a school teacher, a member of a parish mission team, and a college lecturer in spirituality and also the psychology of religion. He joined Charismatic Renewal in 1974,  has been in leadership in both the North and South of Ireland, spoken at conferences in 26 countries, written hundreds of articles and twenty seven books, the latest of which is Providence and Blessing: Living a Purpose Filled Life.
In 2021 Columba Books are due to publish, Prayer Our Dialogue With God.  Fr Pat, a committed ecumenist, was involved in introducing the Alpha Course into Ireland and is a founder member of the New Springtime Community in Dublin. In 2020 he helped to establish an online School of Evangelisation.